Field degree = 223
Discriminant = -679351
Class number = 446
Order U = R*K with R BPSW-prime
U = 13479973333575319897333507543509814922446042298823059087804060576348
R = 3369993333393829974333376885877453730611510574705764771951015144087
K = 4
U binary size = 223
R binary size = 221
K binary size = 3
K factorization = 2**2
MOV condition
(2**e mod R) <> 1 for all e in 1..2230
Field GF(2**223)
Field polynomial = [223,33,0]
Basis type = Polynomial
J = 16#2F7C2925C50877B0BF396F8A767F2E855CB87DAA112FFEE8B654CA46#
Curve (y**2 + xy = x**3 + Ax**2 + B) of order R*K
R = 3369993333393829974333376885877453730611510574705764771951015144087
K = 4
A = 16#0#
B = 16#6DFD3C1C5CB789DA8ABB326FA25309D5D06DE2A08C77D524AE690461#
Base point G (of order R)
X = 16#2700F05CE7FCA11E0CE5D4188314A6100447744E68FC7E7D523BDF42#
Y = 16#164C2CF26E46F18C0D5ABACC53DB4216690DEE801AEDAC2C80ABEB8F#
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