Big integer to string (radix 2..16)
A = -2#1010001110101110000011101001101111011010101001100000000111011101
A = -3#2111222111002211201211022211020122020220020122100111212212011211
A = -4#11013113001310313231110300003232202211213301212123133#
A = -5#424013231144131124223402321002421412010000231#
A = -6#15350314215134555440023344023014023023315#
A = -7#12531552233403336553105066252114402400#
A = -8#50727016467552460035642454761463337#
A = -9#748740846542842182262183147851542#
A = -10#25936117084991265625088343828191#
A = -11#153938A88447A241918A8365250A683#
A = -12#1389794A3970ABA174050420B9AB3B#
A = -13#18997034290259B52138511CA0310#
A = -14#2D253316C77B8A30A5971304B9A7#
A = -15#6CAA4C74BD3E72E813ABD788ACB#
A = -16#1475C1D37B54C03BA2967C666DF#
Save A and load B (file: /home/fnx/demos/tmp.fnx)
Check (A = B) : OK
Big integer to string (using digit separators)
B = -2#101000111 0101110000011101 0011011110110101 0100110000000011
1011101000101001 0110011111000110 0110011011011111#
B = -16#147 5C1D 37B5 4C03 BA29 67C6 66DF#
Big integer to string (using digit separators and left padded with 0's)
B = -2#0000000101000111 0101110000011101 0011011110110101
0100110000000011 1011101000101001 0110011111000110 0110011011011111#
B = -16#0147 5C1D 37B5 4C03 BA29 67C6 66DF#
Big integer to string (using a representation without trailing zeros)
C = 8#12345670 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
C = 8#1234567#E57
String (radix = 10, using digit separators and exponent) to big integer
S = '-0.0000000000 0000000000 0000000001 E30'
A = -1
Check (A = -1) : OK
String (radix = 2, Free Pascal convention) to big integer
S = '-%111111111111111'
A = -2#111111111111111#
Check (A = -%111111111111111) : OK
String (radix = 8, Free Pascal convention) to big integer
S = '-&123456712345671'
A = -8#123456712345671#
Check (A = -&123456712345671) : OK
String (radix = 16, Free Pascal convention) to big integer
S = '-$123456789ABCDEF'
A = -16#123456789ABCDEF#
Check (A = -$123456789ABCDEF) : OK
String (radix = 16, C convention) to big integer
S = '-0x123456789ABCDEFp4'
A = -16#123456789ABCDEF0#
Check (A = -$123456789ABCDEF0) : OK
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